Make "rename" command an alias for "mv"?

Michael Ellerman michael at
Tue Oct 25 02:30:06 BST 2005

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 09:26, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Well, as long as there is a reason for having the different commands,
> and there is mv, I don't really care.
> I could see it this way:
> 	bzr rename A B
> 		B must be the final name of A, it must not already exist
> 	bzr move A B
> 		B must be a directory which already exists
> 	bzr mv A B
> 		B can either be a directory or a non-existent filename

What about stupid people like me, who *consistently* move files around and 
only later remember to "bzr rename" them? There's lots of stupid people out 
there, and if you ever manipulate your tree with a GUI file manager you'll 
have to do the bzr renaming later, so I think it should work.

Currently I just have a local hack to rename, so that if the destination 
exists it doesn't do the move.

We could try and be intelligent about it:

  bzr rename A B

  if exists(A) == exists(B):
	raise Exception('Blerg')

  if exists(A) and not exists(B):
	bzr.rename(A, B)
	move(A, B)

  if not exists(A) and exists(B):
	bzr.rename(A, B)
	print 'Warning: You seem to have moved A to B already'


Michael Ellerman
IBM OzLabs

phone: +61 2 6212 1183 (tie line 70 21183)

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