bazaar.conf - decisions: for Windows

John Arbash Meinel john at
Sun Oct 23 15:17:04 BST 2005

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-10-15 at 11:52 +0300, Jari Aalto wrote:
>>Simply, if HOME is not set, bzr should just refuse to work and notify
>>about misisng environment variable and force user to dig up "My
>>Computer" (w2k) or equivalent in W9x, XP.
> I think that that is a bit harsh. Much better IMO would be to still
> work, even if it does need to WARN about HOME not being set.
> 'WARNING: HOME is not set, global configuration is unavailable.'

I would disagree. HOME on windows is not the standard place for global
configuration. That is $APPDATA/bazaar/2.0/bazaar.conf
(That is the official location)

In a default Windows install, there is no HOME.

There is also an "all users" application data location, though I'm not
sure what the environment variable is, and it isn't guaranteed to be

There were 2 pieces being discussed here, where should bazaar.conf be
located, and what should "~" expand to inside the configuration file.

My thought is on Windows, bazaar.conf should be underneath $APPDATA, and
~ should either not be allowed, or expand to $HOME, so that people can
set it. (And people with domain logins commonly have it set to their
network mounted drive).


> Rob

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