plugin: sftp transport

Robert Collins robertc at
Sat Oct 22 23:16:33 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 21:54 -0500, John A Meinel wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:
> > On 19/10/05, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> >
> >>Martin Pool wrote:
> >>
> >>>If it's OK with you I'm going to make this a builtin transport.
> >>>People will still need to have paramiko to actually use it.
> >>
> >>I'm concerned that you put sftp support into the core without actually
> >>adding test cases for it. (This shouldn't be very difficult)
> >
> >
> > I know, I normally wouldn't have but Robert twisted my arm.
> I thought Robert was the one who advocated "test driven programming".

Absolutely, but our primary focus is developing bzr, not creating a
bunch of TDD junkies :) - Though I am absolutely keen on doing that too.
Once code is written though, its no longer test driven design/test
driven programming. So while Martin and I are both concerned about
keeping test coverage up, if a constributor / potential contributor has
written code-first modules, (and most folk do), TDD is already not in
play there :[. So - pragmatism will come into it a lot too.

I twisted martins arm for a couple of reasons ...
I think its better to have 'a' sftp transport in the core, even if its
not the long term one, because it reduces the number of spurious reworks
of the same problems - this is the same reason I was pro transport
coming in even though I had not had time to deeply review the code :
many issues were requiring something *like* transport.
Also, I have been dying for sftp for doing up cmd_push :).


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