[BUG] serializer.write_inventory() != write_inventory_to_string()

Martin Pool martinpool at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 14:41:25 BST 2005

On 20/10/05, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> It seems there is a small bug in how we write our xml out to a file.

I saw the missing \n the other day but hadn't looked at it yet.

I agree we should make them consistent and both should have the final newline.

By the way did you reach any conclusion about writing out xml directly
rather than through cElementTree.  I mean did you want to do it, or
think it was a bad idea, or not important.  I know there is the
ability to insert more newlines and so get more delta compression, but
that may be two-edged for performance.


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