much improved zsh completion script

John A Meinel john at
Thu Oct 20 04:11:52 BST 2005

Steve Borho wrote:
> ZSH fans enjoy:
> Attached is a version of the _bzr zsh completion script which has been largely
> completed.
> I'm CC:ing this directly to Martin because my last post to the mailing list
> was stuck indefinitely in the moderator queue.
> Two things I found while implementing these completion functions:
> 1) The documentation for merge seems to be out-of-date.  the --merge-type
> argument is no longer supported, but is still listed in the help.
> 2) Optimally, bzr would make it easy to get lists of files in the context of
> the current directory.  For instance, if you were working four subdirs deep
> from the branch root, you would like to be able to type 'bzr add <TAB>' and
> have zsh complete a list of unknown files in the current directory.
> I couldn't figure out how to make this work with the current commands, so the
> bzr add and bzr commit completion functions only work properly from the
> repository root.

bzr status .
Will only return the changes for files beneath the current working
directory. However, they are returned with their full path, so you might
need to do "bzr root" first.


> --
> Steve
> PS: I could have sent this as a patch, but the actual file was smaller.
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