preparing migration from baz to bzr

David Allouche david at
Tue Oct 18 11:06:08 BST 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 10:52 +0200, Aldrik KLEBER wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm preparing a migration for my company from baz to bzr.
> Actually, developpers are working on a single archive, at office, but when 
> they work at home, during the WE etc ... they use their own archive on their 
> laptops.
> It seems that bzr work only in a decentralized approach, what advice could you 
> give to help me to migrate ?

      * Use pqm, which is a mail-driven robot which executes merge
        requests. You can find about pqm there:
        Though Robert Collins says he would not recommend it to people
        which are not interested in its process control functionality
        (like only committing a merge if the test suite passes).

      * Or better, have somebody implement "bzr push" that actually does
        the right thing for centralised development.

                                                            -- ddaa
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