[PATCH] Implement --strict flag for commit

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Tue Oct 18 01:07:44 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Perhaps as a per-branch setting?

I worry that this would lead to unnecessary acrimony, because it would
be a way for people to control other peoples' settings.  Consider the
arguments over modelines in the baz source.  I also find it quite
confusing when rules apply only in certain branches.  So I would prefer
a global option.

> Otherwise, I certainly agree. In
> general, I would like to see config options (like bzr log --forward
> --short) be settable somewhere. Right now I just write a plugin so that
> the commands act the way I want them to.

We've now got a new ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf configuration file, so things
like that could go here.

We could either define options like "strict-commit: yes" or else allow
people to set default parameters, e.g. "commit-defaults: --strict"

> We could update "bzr remove" to act like "cvs remove" which traverses
> the tree, and marks missing files as deleted.
> I wouldn't mind giving it a flag to do this, perhaps "bzr remove
> --recursive" or "bzr remove --all-missing"

Hmm. Interesting.  Though, of course, unnecessary if you're not doing
commit --strict.

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