bzr struggling with large trees

Rob Holland rob at
Mon Oct 17 09:45:17 BST 2005

On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 17:17 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> Well, I can say from the start, that the part that is killing you is the
>  parsing of the inventory XML. Do you have cElementTree installed? That
> is probably the biggest performance boost for what you are seeing.

I do have cElementTree installed :)

> As far as a long-term solution, I'm not really sure. Because right now
> we store the entire inventory in a single file. So if you add a file,
> the entire inventory needs to be read, modified, and then written out again.

And it takes 8 seconds to read in, add one line and write it out?
Scary :/

> How does this compare with other trees that you have used? 79k files
> seems like a lot, and I certainly think tla/baz would have done very
> poorly too. bk would do a lot better, since it requires "bk edit". But
> have you tried git?

I haven't tried this tree in any other VCS other than the one we're
importing from (CVS). I'm keen to try and help get bzr working before
looking elsewhere :)

Rob Holland                                 Inverse Path Ltd
Chief R & D Engineer                        -----> <--------

<rob at>   
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