[PATCH] Factor out duplicate code

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Oct 12 23:54:34 BST 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 18:45 -0700, Dan Loda wrote:
> ... by adding a factory method to InventoryEntry.
> I'm new to Python; constructive criticism is most welcome ;)
> Great job on 0.1.

Thanks for this Dan, I'll certainly merge in a variation.

In respect to the feedback, what I think has largely been overlooked is
that the different types of entry need different information:

when someone is creating an entry from flat data - 'kind', 'id', 'parent
id', 'name', often more data is available/needed - 'text_sha1',
'symlink_target' etc.

I think that the dictionary is an unuseful optimisation, because it does
not take into account the differences - that a dir must not get a
text_sha1 value and that a symlink can recieve a symlink_target

So - a single static method with a lot of parameters - yes, but with an
if block.


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