bazaar.conf - decisions: for Windows

John Whitley whitley at
Tue Oct 11 18:23:39 BST 2005

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> * All python programs that have been ported from *nix to windows  
> and use ~/.*conf path sometimes place their stuff in C:\* dirctory.  
> It rely on current definition of $HOME, $HOMEDRIVE, $HOMEDIR  
> environment variables, and sometimes it s wrong decision. It is  
> *wrong*, but at least idle, boa-constructor, ipython, (and at this  
> moment does that.

IMO, bzr should definitely not use drive-absolute paths for any conf  
files.  This persists in the broken Win9x-era model of only one user  
per computer.  There are a lot of multi-user Windows systems out  
there being used by developers -- from terminal server setups to  
shared laptops.

-- John

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