Bazaar-NG traffic #2

David Allouche david at
Tue Oct 11 09:23:09 BST 2005

On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 03:21 -0400, James Blackwell wrote:
> = _Always_ Unicode =
> The Unicode discussions continued this week. Last week, Alexander Belchenko
> referred to some bzr code that didn't handle Russian filenames properly.
> This week Belchenko followed up a couple more times without a response. 

Something which has been somewhat nagging me...

I would like if it were possible to have byte-stream file names. In some
situations (e.g. automated imports from CVS) you might end up with file
names contaning non-ASCII characters without any encoding information.
Trying to interpret those names as unicode is haphazard at best, and
likely incorrect.

Generally, when getting data from legacy sources, you cannot expect to
have encoding information. I would like to read about how CVS handles
non-ascii file names, from people who have direct experience with that.

To be honest we only once had non-ascii file names in source code
repositories in a few hundred mainline imports, but the number are
biased since we have been focusing on increasing the number of
successful imports, disregarding (numerous) import failures.

Just something I think might be troublesome in the future.

> = How to do tabs in bzr =
              ^^^^ tags?
> The thread from last week on how to do threads in bzr wrapped up this week.
                                         ^^^^^^^ tags?

                                                            -- ddaa
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