star or parallele merge

Jan Hudec bulb at
Wed Oct 5 09:21:20 BST 2005

On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 09:55:18 +0200, David Allouche wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-10-05 at 09:39 +0200, Jan Hudec wrote:
> > That worked like this in bazaar, but in bazaar-ng, which has mutliple
> > revision parents, it works a bit differently. Because now a changeset
> > never /inludes/ other changesets, but rather has them as parents.
> > 
> > So in your case above rev. B10 would have parents B9 and A33 and if you
> > already have A33, it would only apply whatever is in B10 that is not in
> > A33. However since you also have B9, diff3 does not cut it, which is one
> > of the reasons why the weaves were introduced -- to allow implementing
> > linewise mergre (which was prototyped in codeville).
> I'm not sure what you mean by "linewise merge" if you mean just plain
> "simple weave merge", it has at least one documented silent failure mode
> that make it unacceptable for me.

No, I meant the simple weave merge, which is planned for bzr AFAIK. 


Thanks for the pointer. Very interesting site.

> If you are talking about something smarter, I'd like you to be more
> specific.
> The bottom line is that, in my understanding, merging is largely an
> unsolved problem with nasty yet relatively common edge cases, so good
> diagnostic facilities are required.

Hm, perhaps the algorithm could be fixed by being more picky on the
ordering. If it sorts the common lines by the first revision and by the
other revision and does not get the same ordering, it should declare it
a conflict.

By the way, 3-way merge will produce xbcby or xcbcy depedning on which
one is selected as a base, which is even worse.

						 Jan 'Bulb' Hudec <bulb at>
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