introducing a twisted dependency

John A Meinel john at
Tue Oct 4 15:07:36 BST 2005

Robert Collins wrote:
> With Transport finally landed - yay! - we can seriously move forward
> with making our network support first class.
> I propose that we use twisted - I did a proof of concept branch at
> that shows how code
> written using twisted might look. Doing this 'right' - making the core
> of bzr event driven in nature is a pretty big change, but the benefits
> are quite big too.

I'll just mention that there has been some discussion off-list about
using Twisted, and while I don't believe people think it is a perfect
solution, it does seem to be one of the best at the moment.

> I'll happily forward port the -core- of that proof of concept to
> newformat, though the smart fetch logic is way to disconnected from
> newformat to be easy to port.

I'm not sure what you mean by this last statement. That greedy_fetch
doesn't really understand the newformat? (It want's to fetch rev-by-rev,
and not grab the whole weave first)

Or did you mean something else?


> Cheers,
> Rob

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