Pymacs : A better way to implement bzr and hg support in Xtla ?

Lalo Martins lalo at
Tue Oct 4 04:29:57 BST 2005

And so says Matthieu Moy on 04/10/05 05:44...
> I've just discovered Pymacs (thank you Lalo). It's a way to make
> python and Emacs communicate together.

You're welcome.  I already pointed you to pymacs a few weeks ago, on the
list - perhaps you missed that one.

I find pymacs insanely useful; now I have the full python standard
library at my fingertips :-)

It is used by the emacs integration of Bicyclerepairman, which is
another tool I think all Python programmers should have.

> The drawback is, it adds one dependancy to DVC: pymacs. Pymacs made of
> some .el files, and needs a python interpreter (off course), but bzr
> needs one anyway. This is a problem for people installing DVC
> manually, and for a future integration of DVC in GNU Emacs, unless
> pymacs is planned to be integrated in mainline.
> Perhaps some code could be factored between mercurial and bzr support,
> so we'd have:
> +-------------+                      +--------+
> | bzr support |                      | pymacs |
> +-------------+`-,+------------+  ,-'+--------+
>                   | DVC-python |-<
> +-------------+,-'+------------+  `-,+----------+
> | hg support  |                      | DVC core |
> +-------------+                      +----------+

If a possible integration into emacs is a concern for you, then this
plan makes sense to me; "DVC comes built-in and supports baz and mt, but
if you also install pymacs, you get bzr and hg support"

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
--                  mailto:lalo at
GNU: never give up freedom       

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