star or parallele merge

David Allouche david at
Mon Oct 3 12:18:08 BST 2005

On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 22:35 -0500, John A Meinel wrote:
> #1 A - B - C - D - E - F
> #  | \       \
> #2  \  G - H - I - M
> #    \           /
> #3     J - K - L
> The question here, is that "cd $1; bzr missing $2"
> should certainly show G-H-I-M, but should it show J-K-L as well?
> The current missing code would not, since it looks only at 
> revision-history, but since that doesn't work quite right after merges, 
> what do we want it to do? I'm worried that showing J-K-L could be 
> considered clutter (they weren't "produced" on this branch, and showing 
> M might be all you really want to see).

In the Arch tradition, "missing" would only show G-H-I-M. In my
experience that is what one wants most of the time.

However, I have found that I occasionally wanted recursive-in-revisions
missing, J-K-L listed a as part of M. Mostly, I found that useful when
trying to manually resolve complicated merge situations involving mesh
merges or cherrypicks.

A flat listing including J-K-L is not really useful in my experience.

I think the default should be: show only G-H-I-M with some indication
that M is a merge. Even better if that distinguishes pure merges, pure
cherrypicks, mixed merges (with additional changes or conflict
resolution), and mixed cherrypicks. Currently, in Arch, I'm making the
distinction by using a convention in the log message ([merge], [pick],
[merge conflicts], [pick conflicts]).

An option, for examples -r, --recursive could recursively show the
missing merged revisions and, distinctively, the independently merged
revisions in missing revisions (without recursing in those).

The option naming would be a bit delicate, because I would also like
most commands to eventually support an option to operate on all nested
trees. I am considering "--nested" for that, but -r, --recursive is a
common option name for recursing into subdirectories.

My two cents.
                                                            -- ddaa
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