please check out weave-format branch

Martin Pool martinpool at
Thu Sep 29 10:08:47 BST 2005

On 24/09/05, John A Meinel <john at> wrote:

> So that shows that the exact same line was added in each revision, with
> full duplication.
> Probably not a big deal, and has to be this way, because each revision
> only knows about the lines added in its ancestors, not its siblings.

Yes, that's how it works at the moment.  Every line is added in
precisely one revision.

One consequence is that if you merge two revisions that have (in part)
the same text, the result will show the lines as coming from one or
the other.  In one sense that's plausible; in another sense we might
consider that they come from both, but tracking that seems to get
fairly complicated.

(It would also be nice to have a representation of lines getting
rearranged, but that's definitely a research problem.)

> By the way, is importing "bzrlib.progress" so it cannot be run
> directly. You have to have a "bzrlib" directory somewhere in your path.
> (or relative to
> We might consider using try: import bzrlib.progress except import progress.


> If I developed an append only format, would you possibly merge it? I
> know *I* would feel better with that sort of format. Though naturally,
> whichever code base gets the most use is the one that is probably the
> most trustworthy.

I'll certainly look at it.

> Speaking of which, are you thinking to merge the Transport stuff, or is
> it waiting for the bzr.newformat to hit first?

I'd like to merge it directly into the newformat, and promote that to
be the main branch.


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