bzr webserve: new version [Was Re: [RFC] New web server for bazaar]

Goffredo Baroncelli kreijack at
Wed Sep 28 18:14:58 BST 2005

On Wednesday 28 September 2005 17:53, you (John A Meinel) wrote:
> Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry, but what does mean 'go up' ? Go to the previous revision ? If so, adding 
> > the parent link should be sufficient; or it means go to the next revision ?
> > However I will add a 'navigation toolbar' in order to move on the different
> > versions without switch from/to the changelog page
> > 
> By "up" I mean a way to get from a changeset back to the original page. 
> But I guess that is the "log" link.

In my latest revision (;rev=1205
) there is a navigation bar which permits to move back and forth in 
the history.

My next TODOs

- better documentation ( as standalone, as cgi script ... )
- RSS support for changelog/file/inventory
- RAW format ( in order to get a file contents or a diff contents as show 
in the changeset pages )
- search engine
- tarball support 

- changeset on file basis ( show only the changeset related to a file, but now is too
slow )
- annotate ( see previous item )

Comments are welcome

> Thanks for your work.
> John
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