bzr pull should state if it did anything

John A Meinel john at
Sat Sep 24 01:15:32 BST 2005

Mark Rosenstand wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 17:27 -0500, John A Meinel wrote: 
>>Right now bzr pull has the same output if it does nothing, or does
>>something and succeeds:
>>$ bzr pull
>>Using last location: <blah>
>>0 conflicts encountered.
>>It would be nice if it would say something like:
>>$ bzr pull
>>Using last location: <blah>
>>Trees are up-to-date
> How about 'svn up'/'cvs -q up'-like output?

Well, I don't really like their output. :) But actually that would be 
okay. Or possibly an output like "diffstat".

I like seeing the logs, though, because that gives meaning to what 
changed, rather than just what files changed.

Though both can be good to see.

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