please check out weave-format branch

John A Meinel john at
Sat Sep 24 00:36:16 BST 2005

John A Meinel wrote:
> Martin Pool wrote:

> mbp at
> It would have been nice to separate at the "-" because then it was a 
> simple transformation. But I think this will work anyway.
> We could just do it as "until first -", next 6 characters, rest of text. 
> So it doesn't have to fit the formula (though almost all revisions will).
> I forgot about the dos mangling stuff. Even just 1k files with the same 
> prefix starts to get painful.

Just to illustrate this point, the latest mbp revision in on my 
windows machine has the DOS name:
$ cygpath -d mbp\

You can see that it had to has 4 extra characters, which means all files 
starting with mb potentially conflict.

Where this really hurts is at file creation time, as it has to try a 
name, see that it conflicts, and keep going until it gets a 
non-conflicting one. This probably makes copying an existing branch take 
far too long. As it scales at best O(num files in directory) to insert 
each file.

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