[PATCH] Support for bzr status --revision

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Sep 23 03:59:02 BST 2005

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 19:28 +0300, Heikki Paajanen wrote:
> ma, 2005-09-19 kello 11:16 +1000, Robert Collins kirjoitti:
> > On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 17:13 +0300, Heikki Paajanen wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > attached a patch that adds support for --revision in status.
> > 
> > Hi Heikki, thanks for this, and sorry for the delay in getting back to
> > you.
> Hi,
> I've been pretty busy my self with work and school :)
> > 
> > I'd like to merge this, but first I think we should get it to support -r
> > 1..3 as well.
> > 
> > There was a thread recently on this, and folk would like to be able to
> > get the status between any two revisions, or from a revision to the
> > current working tree.
> I haven't read all the mail from the list (it gets lots of mail these
> days...), but here's updated patch againts rev 1216
> (http://bazaar-ng.org/bzr/bzr.dev) with support for -r 1..3. Hopefully
> it's what you wanted. I'll happily improve/extend it if I missed
> something just let me know.

Other than a couple of _minor_ PEP8 issues, this was great and I've
merged it.

The issue was comma separate lists with no spaces:
(foo,bar) instead of
(foo, bar)


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