bzrtools: 'bzr annotate' fails

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Sep 23 03:37:03 BST 2005

Martin Pool wrote:
> On 23/09/05, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
>>I was playing around with bzrtools' annotate functionality. And I found
>>that I get this error:
>>$ bzr annotate
>>bzr: ERROR: Malformed patch header.  No orig line
>>  at /home/jameinel/.bzr.conf/plugins/bzrtools/ line 52, in
>>  see ~/.bzr.log for debug information
> This might be caused by robert changing the diff prefix from *** to
> === for compatability with patchutils.
> --
> Martin

I saw that at one point. Does that mean I should incorporate that into
the changeset plugin as well?


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