Revenge of the pretty pictures

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Sep 22 20:57:14 BST 2005

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:


> Also, I think I like the clustered form more than the non-clustered. As
> I think it makes the ancestry follow a nice line, and is a little bit
> easier to follow. You might consider adding a "--no-cluster" in case
> someone is scripting and the default changes in the future.
> And finally, it would be nice to have a color code (possibly in --help),
> so that we can figure out what --merge-branch means.

Actually, the clustered form makes it more obvious what the colors mean.
(Another reason to prefer clustered.) I assume it is:

orange: COMMON history
yellow: THIS history
red: OTHER history
blue: COMMON merges, not history
white: OTHER merges

Though blue might just be THIS merges, since there are places which
don't seem to be common.

It might be better to use a different color for the COMMON merges versus
the THIS merges.

I will admit that sometimes dot has a very strange idea of how to layout
the graph in clustered mode.


> John
> =:->

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