Johann's bzr request

A.J. Rossini blindglobe at
Thu Sep 22 07:58:47 BST 2005

On 9/22/05, James Blackwell <jblack at> wrote:
> ----- Forwarded message from Johann Borck <johann> -----
>  From: Johann Borck
>  To: jblack at
>  Subject: bzr
> Hi James,
> i'd like to know if there's a way to use bzr from python directly, i
> looked around a little, but didn't find a way to get around the printed
> output without changing each cmd_xxx class. what i'd need is the return
> values from the commands, for example revno, will i have to use
> commands.getoutput() or similar and start a new process for each
> command, or is there a way to use bzr as a library? I'm planning to use
> bzr for versioning in a sourcecode-manager which is used to update and
> reimport modules of a server at runtime to be able to test new or
> updated modules and fall back to the past version if the tests fail.
> thanks in advance and regards

That might be useful (for me) -- for example, using Bazaar-NG as a
versioning backend right out of Zope, via direct function calls.

I've only started reviewing the bazaar-ng codebase, but I have to
admit that the "pure python" approach was a positive issue rather than
a negative issue.


blindglobe at
Muttenz, Switzerland.
"Commit early,commit often, and commit in a repository from which we can easily
roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).

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