[Proposal] Give a chance to import cElementTree

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Sep 22 07:50:49 BST 2005

There is no notice in README about in which directory must be installed 
cElementTree, but I'm found in bzrlib/xml.py that bzr try import 
cElementTree and ElementTree itself *only* from bzrlib/util directory.

I think we can give bzr a chance to import cElementTree from standard 
site-packages directory. I propose next solution: temporary add to 
sys.path path to bzrlib/util and try to import cElementTree. After that 
remove added item from sys.path. Patch attached.

BTW, README claims:

"If you use the setup.py script then bzr will be installed into the
specified path.  In this case you must install ElementTree and
urlgrabber separately."

But this is not true: there is package "bzrlib.elementtree" listed in 
your setup.py, so user do not need to install ElementTree separately. 
And what is more: bzr do not try to import ElementTree from another 
location that bzrlib/util/elementtree.

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