[Fwd: [PATCH] bzr tracks permissions]

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Wed Sep 21 20:16:50 BST 2005

Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:

>>My "<meta-info>" aka properties tag was a generic hook for other
>>people to shove stuff that they care about, that *bzr* would not
>>explicitly handle.  Basically, if it was in <meta-info> bzr would make
>>sure to keep track of it, and probably tell you about conflicts, etc.
>>But it wouldn't *understand* it.
>In that case you'd have two different ways in the code to do exactly
>the same thing. File properties are file properties, no matter if bzr
>understand them or not. More specifically, no matter if bzr will
>handle them or not, we want to be able to:
Not exactly. There are already a bunch of "file properties" that we
already track differently.

Specifically, right now we track:
    kind (file/directory/symlink)
    text-id (this is less of a property, though)

All of those are things that are tracked right now in bzr. You can argue
that they are properties. But I think of them as properties that bzr
core understands. Since we want bzr core to understand the X bit, it
should be at the same level as the rest of them.


>* Insert, delete and edit them, no matter if the system
>  supports them or not.
>* Merge them. Plugins may introduce smartness about how to merge
>  selected entries, but in general doing binary/blob-like merge
>  would already be wonderful for most uses.
>* Be able to react to them. This may be for standard use, like
>  executable and binary/not-binary flags, or for other plugin-based
>  needs.
>>when you merge, if 2 entries have keys mapping to the same value, then
>>it would just be a simple binary conflict. No real merging.
>You probably meant to different values, but anyway I got the
>idea. Yes, that would be a good start. In the future it could
>get fancier and do ancestry based merges, for instance.

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