Harald Meland harald.meland at usit.uio.no
Sat Sep 17 09:56:27 BST 2005

[Jari Aalto]

> I'd like to use quick editor for changes, so another variable than my
> default $EDITOR (which I prefer longer texts). Please check
> environment variable
>         $BZREDITOR
> If the it is not defined, revert to $EDITOR

I can see the need for using a separate editor for bzr, but don't see
how it's necessary having two separate mechanisms (both
.bzr.conf/editor and $BZREDITOR) for configuring this.

Would the current bzr-specific configuration mechanism be useful to
you if .bzr.conf/editor could itself be an executable?  Then you could
set it up to look like e.g.

  which jmacs >/dev/null 2>&1 && exec jmacs "$@"
  exec "$EDITOR" "$@"


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