sftp branch

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Fri Sep 16 17:51:42 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On 15 Sep 2005, at 11:03, Robert Collins wrote:

> On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 01:16 -0700, Robey Pointer wrote:
>> Ahh, the things I'll do to quell boredom on the weekend as an
>> invalid, while my friends are out having fun. :)
>> Here's a draft SFTPBranch, using paramiko.  It seems to work okay --
>> it's slow, but on par with HTTP in my very unscientific tests:
> Hi,
>     I'm curious - is paramiko async or sync under the hood? Does it  
> expose
> an async interface at the top level? And what event loop does it use -
> it is compatible with the gtk and windows event loops?

It's sync/threaded, though in such a way that you can use it in an  
async app if you want (the threaded stuff is all hidden).

I find async code much more convoluted and difficult to absorb, which  
is exactly what I don't want in security code. ;)

When John & friends are done with the Transport branch, I'll probably  
do another port.  I just figured the effort would be wasted until  
that stuff settles down more.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (Darwin)


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