[PATCH] more informative error for bzr add (when parent is unversioned)

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Sep 16 13:32:20 BST 2005

On Sat, 2005-09-10 at 00:28 -0400, David Clymer wrote:

> > 
> > Secondly, this is something we would not want to regress - so if you
> > could do a blackbox test to ensure that the ui shows the sane error,
> > that would help immensely.
> I had to modify TestCaseInTempDir.runcmd() in order to access the error
> output of the executed command, so that I could right my blackbox test.
> The runcmd docstring stated that it was supposed to be returning a tuple
> of output from stdout & stderr, so I just modified to match its claims.

Thanks for updating this patch. I'm incorporating the TestCaseInTempDir
change into integration, but not the other change at this point - now
that dirs are auto-versioned if they are in a tree, its probably

I do wonder what happens if you cd to / and bzr add usr/bin though.


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