[BUG] "No locks available" on NFS (RHEL3WS update 5)

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Sep 16 12:23:01 BST 2005

On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 11:41 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 16/09/05, Harald Meland <harald.meland at usit.uio.no> wrote:
> Thanks for the report.
> > As fcntl.lockf() is a wrapper around fcntl(2) with a superset of
> > fcntl.flock()'s call syntax, and fcntl(2) locking *does* work over
> > NFS, maybe bzr should use that instead?
> Does anyone object to changing this?

Fine by me.


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