bzr pull updates working tree even if nothing changed

John A Meinel john at
Thu Sep 15 16:40:11 BST 2005

I'm trying to debug why bzr pull now takes an eternity, even if there is
nothing to be updated.

One thing I found at the end, is that you always do the merge(), even if
 there were no changes (after waiting forever for "comparing_histories",
it switches and the cpu spikes, I assume because it is testing the
working tree).

I feel like bzr pull without any changes should be a no-op. I guess it
is reasonably fast if the statcache is up-to-date. Also, it might just
be that Robert's integration branch is extra slow for me, because it
seems that bzr pull from a different server is quite a bit faster. The
other server is 2000 miles away behind a cable-modem with a 30KB/s
upload cap, but Rob's is probably halfway across the world, though I
would guess that has a big fat pipe. (my ping is 91ms

When I'm saying it is slow, it is taking 6min to handle the
"comparing_history" portion of the code. That's a pretty long time to be
comparing 2 revision-history files. (In comparison to actually download
the 3 files that matter takes only about 10s).

I tried to do a --profile, and the time seems to be spent in the
meta_store, doing some sort of string operations. (see attached)


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