
John A Meinel john at
Thu Sep 15 15:43:15 BST 2005

Heitzso wrote:
> I just downloaded and setup 0.0.7 bzr then copied
> some of the plugins to .bzr.conf/plugins from the web
> site (I was wanting a push like command to push my
> deltas to a common repository).
> When I then run
>     bzr plugins
> I get the list of pyc files now in my ~/.bzr.conf/plugins
> directory.   But no extra commands show up.
>     bzr annotate -h
> complains that no annotate command exists.
>     bzr help
> does not show new commands
>     bzr push
> complains that command not available
>     bzr plugins
> returns
>     /usr/local/src/bzr-0.0.7/bzrlib/plugins/__init__.pyc
>         Null placeholder plugin
>     /home/heitzso/.bzr.conf/plugins/bzrtools.pyc
>     /home/heitzso/.bzr.conf/plugins/conflicts.pyc
>     /home/heitzso/.bzr.conf/plugins/push.pyc

I think you copied things to the wrong location.
You needed to do something like:

The bzrtools package is meant to stay in it's own directory,
*underneath* the ~/.bzr.conf/plugins directory.

> ??
> Also, while the idea of a central repository may be
> anathema to the idea of distributed repositories, I
> still need to sync my various working systems to a
> common (dare I say central) repository without  having
> to drag around a usb thumbdrive, etc.  In other words,
> I work on a laptop for awhile, then my OSX system,
> then my Ubuntu dev box, etc.   I think I understand
> the idea of 'pull' (equiv cvs update).  But where's the
> push side?  Is that what the tools plugin push is
> supposed to do?

bzrtools provides push, my rsync plugin provides rpush (which are very

I'm working on some code to enable writing to remote sites.

Eventually push will be a native command.

However, there is also work being done on creating a central store.
Where when you commit, it goes to the remote location. And you cannot
commit if you are out of date.


> Thanks,
> Heitzso

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