Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Sep 15 09:11:57 BST 2005

0900-0930 fix bzr diff to play nice with lsdiff and filterdiff
0930-1100 baz2bzr last 66 revisions of rf
1100-1300 baz2bzr trimming in preparation for upstream submittal.
1300-1330 dsilvers adhoc ptch review.
1330-1400 finally got rf to complete.
1400-1500 lunch and talking about foo
1500-1505 zope 3 gcc 4 bugfix from stub
1505-1640 attempt to merge hct !!!
1640-1800 cherry pick semantics discussion w/gustavo
1800-1830 bzr merges
1830-1900 mgmt meeting
1900-2030 dinner + bzr merges

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