attn: abentley Re: [BUG] Merging repositories with a directory deleted

John Eckerdal john.eckerdal at
Wed Sep 14 23:53:55 BST 2005

On 9/15/05, Harald Meland <harald.meland at> wrote:
> [Aaron Bentley]
> > Aaron Bentley wrote:
> >> What I really need is a comprehensive exception-handling spec.  So far,
> >> I've just been handling each case as it bit people, based on vague ideas
> >> of 'the right way'.
> >
> > So I'm looking at it now, and I can see why I never handled it before:
> > Let's say, worst-case scenario, the file doesn't exist in THIS, and some
> > of its parent directories are also missing.
> >
> > 1. Do I use BASE or OTHER for the path?
> If the file exists in BASE, but not in THIS, it must have been
> explicitly deleted from the branch we're merging into.  My gut feeling
> is to regard that deletion as a wish for not having the same file
> resurrected by a merge.

There is an additional similar case:

An entire directory was removed from a branch. In the remote repository a file
was then added in the directory. If a merge is performed what shall happen?
If the above idea is adopted then it should probably be so here also for
consistency (if it is the best way or not I don't know).

Currently this test produces the following output:bzr: ERROR:
  at /usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/ line 1105, 
in apply_changeset()
  see ~/.bzr.log for debug information

John Eckerdal

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