FEATURE REQ: Make an alias for inventory command

Robey Pointer robey at lag.net
Tue Sep 13 21:51:57 BST 2005

On 13 Sep 2005, at 11:59, Jari Aalto wrote:

> Robey Pointer <robey at lag.net> writes:
> | Aha.  It sounds like 'status':
> |
> | ~/code/bzr.dev/bzrlib$ bzr status branch.py
> | ~/code/bzr.dev/bzrlib$ touch useless
> | ~/code/bzr.dev/bzrlib$ bzr status useless
> | unknown:
> |   bzrlib/useless
> <raising eyebrows out of respect>
> And I thought inventory was the key to see "what's in there" and
> what's still missing...

This is why I think "bzr inventory" should be hidden into the  
scripting interface.  A significant amount of mail over the past week  
has been just about clarifying what the difference is. :)

For the record:
status => status of files in your working folder
inventory => list of files in a particular revision in the repository


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