[RFC] New web server for bazaar

Lars Wirzenius liw at liw.iki.fi
Tue Sep 13 19:09:11 BST 2005

ti, 2005-09-13 kello 19:38 +0200, Goffredo Baroncelli kirjoitti:
> I know that somebody will not agree with the fact that the web interface is
> integrated in the core code, but I think that a good web interface is useful to
> view the revision without any tool, and can improve the acceptance of a tool like
> bzr. So i think that should be integrated with the core project.

Speaking as a system administrator, I'd be wary of a package that
contains a web server as a side effect, even if it doesn't start by
default. There's always going to be some user who wants to start it
without my knowing about it. I'd be much happier to see it as a separate
package. Not necessarily a separate source package, but definitely make
it possible to build separate Debian/RPM/whatever binary packages with
and without the server part.

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