FEATURE REQ: Make an alias for inventory command

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Tue Sep 13 11:56:30 BST 2005

John A Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> writes:

| I would prefer to see "bzr inv", simply because "bzr in" could be too
| many things.

Works as well.

| I would also propose that since inventory is meant more for scripting
| than for actual day-to-day use, it may not really need an alias.
| If you feel that you are using it often enough to want a shortcut, I
| would be curious to know what you are doing.

An example:

- Hop to project A, uses VCS of type 1
- Hop to project AA, uses VCS of type 2
- Hop to project B, uses VCS of type 1
- Hop to project BB, uses VCS of type 3
- Hop to project AAA, uses VCS of type 4


It's impossible to remember all the commands in VCS type 1, 2, 3.
Likewise, one cannot remember what files have committed during time T
to projects A, AA, AAA, B, BB etc.


Suppose you need local change to software XX, but you don't want
to version all of the files; only a,b,c which need modifications.

   bzr add add a b c
   ... Make my local changes
   ... the rest of the 100 files are not versioned

Later you decide you want to change d too:

   ... Do I already have verioned d?
   bzr inventorey
   ... Nope, put it in
   bzr add d
   ... Make the local change

If you modify only part of the code (like doing porting for Makefiles
etc.) the full source need not be versioned. With unlimited disk, CPU,
bandwidth, et all - you could and not care about efficiency issues.


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