FEATURE REQ: bzr ignore + bzr -d ignore

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Sep 13 05:20:54 BST 2005

Jari Aalto wrote:
> This command is handy:
>      $ bzr ignore '*.tmp'
> so that the ./.bzrignore does not need to be edited by hand. but for
> symmetry it would require equivalent remove/delete command:
>      $ bzr ignore -d '*.tmp'
> I'd rather not use '-r' because it's connotation is more --recursive
> or --revno.

Well, -r is already short for "--revision". In general, bzr is trying to
be consistent in that the short option always means the same long option.
I'm not sure about -d, because it might be used for directory, or CVS's
bastardized "repository", or some other such thing. But certainly you
could have:
bzr ignore --remove "*.tmp"

> Has there been discussion about possibility to support regular
> expressions as well? The command syntax would only need a modifier:
>      $ bzr ignore --re '*.tmp'
> and the ./.bzrignore would need a flag to indicate this nature. Say
> adding 'RE' to the end of line:
>     *.tmp
>     *.bak
>     \.[0-9]+$   RE

I would be happy to see regular expressions again.
But how do you maintain compatibility (or do you ?).
It would be nice if there was a field in .bzrignore to indicate whether
the given expression was an RE or a glob.


> Jari

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