[Patch] bzr status doesn't handle revision

John A Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Sep 12 13:09:55 BST 2005

Jari Aalto wrote:
> Martin Pool <martinpool at gmail.com> writes:
> | On 11/09/05, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr> wrote:
> |
> | > Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:
> | >
> | > > Robert Collins wrote:
> | > >> I've taken this into integration as it doesn't make sense to me for
> | > >> 'status --revision FOO' to do anything anyway.
> |
> | I'll also add my vote for 'status -r' to show a summary of changes
> | since then, and even for 'status -r A..B' to show a summary of change
> | from A to B.  Obviously if A and B are historical there will never be
> | unknown or ignored files.
> Err, did you mean to use the colon(:) here?
>      status -r A:B
> It would be consistent, like with
>     bzr diff
>     bzr diff -r1
>     bzr diff -r1:2
> Jari

As Lalo mentioned, the colon is deprecated, and only works for numbers.
With the '..' notation you can supply different types of revisions, such as:

bzr diff -r 1..revid:john at arbash-meinel.com--blah.de.blah.deblah
bzr log -r date:+yesterday..date:-tomorrow

(The syntax for the date code is a little bit odd, but the above would
print out all the changes from yesterday through today, up until just
before tomorrow).


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