FEATURE REQ: group common commands under 'ls' instead of separate commands

Jari Aalto jari.aalto at cante.net
Mon Sep 12 09:52:17 BST 2005

Martin Pool <martinpool at gmail.com> writes:

| >   "status", but it doesn't display anything here. But I just added
| >   2 files with "add" ...
| If you've added but not yet committed then 'bzr status' will list
| them.  If you have committed and not changed them, 'bzr status --all'
| will tell you that.  This is just the same as svn.

Right. I eventually found the "inventory" but spend fair time with
"status" until I realised it refused to show anything for already
"add" files. I felt kind of powerless when I couldn't get "status" to
show files I just had added, no matter what options I tried to feet it
| >     revno: 2
| >     ? unknown.txt
| >     A added.txt
| >     M modified.txt
| >     G merGed            (subversion uses "G")
| > 
| >     <if it is possible to indicate Moved, Renamed, list those too>
| OK, so perhaps rather than separate commands
|   bzr ls --added
|   bzr ls --removed
|   bzr ls --missing
|   bzr ls --ignored

Looks real good and straight forward.

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