bzr branch is slow and memory-hungry (just a data point)

Martin Pool martinpool at
Wed Sep 7 23:57:32 BST 2005

On 08/09/05, Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman at> wrote:
> Aaron Bentley < at> writes:
> > That depends on what tree was.
> The tree's about 6MB according to du, with about a thousand files,
> primarily perl and html, with some almost entirely static graphics
> files thrown in.
> As another data point, i am a little surprised to see that, for this
> 6MB of data, the .bzr directory is 195MB according to du.  I guess
> this is a function of the quantity of changes (some 3200 changesets)
> and perhaps will be cut significantly once the move to a weave format
> is made?

Yes.  Based on my tests, you can expect it to drop to about 5-20MB
(depending on your data, and particularly how many binaries you have).

Even aside from storage, for moderately small trees like bzr the
current merge is very slow; I think because it's doing a lot of slow
graph traversal, even when I give an explicit base.  Maybe this is
just a bug?  At any rate when we switch to weaves it should be better.

> Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld -- Nirvana

Me too.

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