Some question about bzr

Aaron Bentley at
Tue Sep 6 20:42:18 BST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> 2) when I merge a branch, how I can show the history of the branch ? 
> Searching under the .bzr/revision-store directory, I found the merged revision; moreover
>  the revision created after the merge, seems to refer to the merged revisions. However
> bzr log doesn't show these information.

There is no way to view that at the moment, but we intend to fix that.

> The big difference is that bzr tracks all the revision in a file ( called 
> .bzr/revision-history ) *excluding* the merged revision. The history is generated on the
> basis of this file.
> Instead git ( but also mercurial ) records the latest revision, 
> and every revision records the parent(s) revision. The history is generated walking 
> the tree of revision starting from the latest.
> Could anyone explains me why this difference ?

bzr draws a distinction between the revisions that were created on a
branch and those that were merely merged in.  The revision-history lists
all the revisions that are part of the branch line of developement, but
each revision records the parent revisions.  That is true as of 0.7.

> Moreover are the every revisions checksummed by sha1 ( it seems true for the native revision, 
> but false for the imported one )?

Revisions produced by newer bzr releases include sha1 sums.  Older
revisions may not, but can be upgraded.

> If yes, with only the reversion checksum it should be 
> possible to sign ( or to represent ) the full sorce + the full history of a project.

(Actually, it's also required that each revision have a hash of its
parent, but we have that.)

That's more the Monotone school of thought.

We'd rather have more flexability than that, so that we don't have to
alter our storage format as new hashing schemes are invented and broken.
 Signing work is underway.

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