bzr on Windows

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Sep 3 22:43:25 BST 2005


(Please, Sorry for my poor english).

I want to use bzr on Windows, so I try it. I spending two days for fix
all non cross platform issues in bzr-0.0.6. I use bzr selftest as
indicator of correct work.

Sadly, but in bzr-0.0.7 merge test is not working on Windows (seems that
merge itself not working), so I roll back to 0.0.6. May be I have not
some important third-party tools?

Only one test (testing permissions) will not pass in 0.0.6 at this
moment (I skip it). Other test passed. Patch for win-related fixes is

For Windows users it is neccessairy to download and install diffutils
(because bzr needs diff3 utility). This package may be downloaded from

Another win32 improvemets in for windows users automatically
created batch file bzr.bat for simple invoking bzr.

Wise men, can you explaine me why not using shutil.move on Windows
instead of os.rename? At least it's just working, but os.rename is not
works if src_file exists.

And I have some problem with testhashcache on my machine: I need to
prolonging pause after file-write operation up to 3 seconds for pass
this test. It's seems strange with my Celeron 1,8 GHz processor.

I think some of my fixes may be included in current for future
compatibility with windows platform.

Alexander Belchenko.

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