proposal - move bzrlib down a level

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Sep 1 14:07:15 BST 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-01 at 18:49 +0800, Lalo Martins wrote:
> And so says Robert Collins on 01/09/05 17:47...
> > Putting bzrlib in a lib subdirectory wont make it harder for folk using
> > bzr - it will make it easier. (they have to set their PYTHONPATH
> > regardless).
> Sorry, this time you're wrong :-)  it works rather well for me without
> setting PYTHONPATH.
> <technical>
> ...because my "bzr" is a symlink to the source tree -
> `ln -s ~/src/ /usr/local/bin` - and then python will check
> where the script is, and put the parent directory in the path implicitly.
> </technical>

You misunderstand me. I do not mean 'to run bzr', I mean to be able to
'import bzrlib' from a different script in a different source tree.


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