Authenticated Proxy support

Dhruva Krishnamurthy (RBIN/EDI3) * Dhruva.Krishnamurthy at
Thu Sep 1 05:59:06 BST 2005

	I have faced big problems in trying to contribute to FSF/GNU
projects (Emacs) as the version control they use (CVS/GNU Arch) does not
support accessing remote repositories through authenticated proxy
servers. I was wondering if Bazaar-NG has overcome this limitation.
	Since Bazaar-NG is implemented in PYTHON, I have used tools
(HarvestMan) which support access through auth'ed proxy. Hence, should
not be too difficult to impleemnt it (I know nothing much in PYTHON. I
am CC'ing this mail to the author of HarvestMan).

With best regards,

Name : Dhruva Krishnamurthy (dk)
Phone: +91-(0)80-22999190
Proud FSF member: #1935

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