PQM update - support for Bazaar-NG

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Aug 31 13:57:35 BST 2005

PQM now has basic support for bzr in parallel with baz/tla/arx. You can
get this from the usual archive:


Installing this version requires bzr and bzrtools to probe for bzr
branches. There is a config-manager config in the root called
'pqm.config' - if you build that it will put the required code in the
right places.

Using bzr with pqm is straight forward:
 * Create a [URL] section for the branch. This can be a prefix
    i.e. [file:///home/archives/foo/]
    or an actual branch:
    i.e. [file:///home/archives/foo/mainline]

Then just submit merges as usual; replacing arch names with URL's in the
merge request.

Work to be done on the bzr support includes published_at:
  A common setup with arch is to refer to things by name. This 
  allows for users on local systems - say nfs - to see a copy of the
  branch without having any access to the actual mainline - just like a
  maintainer with bzr operates. (The local branch on the maintainers
  machine is their private copy, the one they push to their website is
  the published copy).

  To do this with pqm, setup a branch with a published_at url.

  Here pqm will treat requests for
  file:///home/pqm/archives/foo/mainline and
  file:///home/archives/foo/mainline identically

and direct patch application etc.

If folk use this, or want to contribute ... the more the merrier.


GPG key available at: <http://www.robertcollins.net/keys.txt>.
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