rfc: remove "revision specs"
Robert Collins
robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Aug 30 23:17:17 BST 2005
On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 17:19 +0200, Denys Duchier wrote:
> Jan Hudec <bulb at ucw.cz> writes:
> > I'd probably write this as bzr:http://www.site.com/my/bzr/branch,rev=1040 or
> > bzr:http://www.site.com/my/bzr/branch,rev=1040 (because after // a hostname
> > should follow) and I don't consider it ugly. Well, I liked semicolon a bit
> > better, though for shell, comma is better.
> It seems to me that the "fragment" notation of URIs[1] was designed precisely
> for these sort of applications. It would suggest something like this:
> http://www.site.com/my/bzr/branch#1040
Well fragment is meant to refer to a label within a non varying content.
Getting a different entity back requires parameterisation - query part
or url parameters. For instance, the dir part parameter I'm proposing is
usable (in principale - not right now) by bzrweb to show the correct
revision, whereas a fragment would not be visible to the web server and
would be ignored.
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