jblack: bzr command --

jblack at inframix.com jblack at inframix.com
Mon Aug 29 23:01:54 BST 2005

Here's my first patch for bzr. Its a simple one. I'm not sure I covered
all of the approprate test cases.

 James Blackwell      |   Life is made of the stuff that hasn't killed
 Tell someone a joke! |   you yet.                       - yours truly
GnuPG (ID 06357400) AAE4 8C76 58DA 5902 761D  247A 8A55 DA73 0635 7400
-------------- next part --------------
*** modified file 'bzrlib/commands.py'
--- bzrlib/commands.py 
+++ bzrlib/commands.py 
@@ -1727,6 +1727,8 @@
     >>> parse_args('--help'.split())
     ([], {'help': True})
+    >>> parse_args('help -- --invalidcmd'.split())
+    (['help', '--invalidcmd'], {})
     >>> parse_args('--version'.split())
     ([], {'version': True})
     >>> parse_args('status --all'.split())
@@ -1745,15 +1747,18 @@
     args = []
     opts = {}
-    # TODO: Maybe handle '--' to end options?
+    argsover = False
     while argv:
         a = argv.pop(0)
-        if a[0] == '-':
+        if not argsover and a[0] == '-':
             # option names must not be unicode
             a = str(a)
             optarg = None
             if a[1] == '-':
+                if len(a) < 3 :
+                    # We've received a standalone -- No more flags
+                    argsover = True
+                    continue
                 mutter("  got option %r" % a)
                 if '=' in a:
                     optname, optarg = a[2:].split('=', 1)

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