bzr: ERROR: 'module' object has no attribute '__path__'

Matthieu MOY Matthieu.Moy at
Mon Aug 29 15:28:17 BST 2005

Aaron Bentley said:
> Hash: SHA1
> Matthieu Moy wrote:
>> Thanks. That's better, but still not good for me:
>> $ ./bzr plugins
>> /home/moy/tmp/bzr-r1022/bzr-dev/bzrlib/plugins/__init__.pyc
>> /home/moy/tmp/bzr-r1022/bzr-dev/bzrlib/plugins/changeset
>>         This is an attempt to take the internal delta object, and
>> represent
>> $
>> (with no ~/.bzr.conf)
> I think you're saying "I haven't installed any plugins, but bzr claims
> there are plugins installed."
> This is true.  bzr now can now ship with built-in plugins, and your copy
> has the changeset plugin installed.
> Or if you're complaining about the fact that the listed plugin isn't
> described properly, that's a problem with the plugin itself, because we
> have a convention that the first line of the doctext is a summary.

OK, thanks for the clarification, that was the problem. I didn't know what
the output of "bzr plugins" was supposed to look like. The docstring
looked like a half finished error message to me.

Also, is __init__.pyc really supposed to be shown here?


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