
Conrad Parker conrad at metadecks.org
Fri Aug 26 06:26:04 BST 2005

On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 01:07:42PM +1000, Conrad Parker wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's a couple of spelling fixes (in TODO and tutorial.txt):
>   bzr merge -r 1119 http://sully.kfish.org/~conrad/bzr/bzr.dev/

also, the last paragraph of tutorial.txt:

  This only works if the local branch if your branch includes only
  changes from the parent branch.  Otherwise, the branches are said to
  have *diverged*, and they must be merged instead.

should probably read:

  This only works if your local branch includes only ...


Committed to the above repository as r1120, merge at will.


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