[PATCH]: shell-complete command

Clint Adams schizo at debian.org
Mon Aug 22 05:20:09 BST 2005

> That looks good.  I've merged it in, but made it a hidden command
> because users won't normally want to see it in the help.
> Do you have a zsh script that uses this yet?  I'd love to ship one.

All I have is what's attached.

It will need to be modified to parse the output of
`bzr shell-complete <command>`.

The output of shell-complete probably should be modified to
facilitate this.  For example, in the output of
"shell-complete branch", there is no indication that -r takes an
argument.  It would be preferable if this information were available
for shell-complete to spew forth.

Also, the meanings of the takes_args words and suffixes are
not all obvious to me.  Is there a difference between "file" and

For each takes_arg term, a rule will need to be put into either
shell-complete itself or _bzr.  The same is true of some, if not all, of
the suffixes.

Beyond these two problems, it's just a matter of determining the
possible completions for each type of argument.
-------------- next part --------------
#compdef bzr

local _bzr_subcommands expl curcontext="$curcontext"

_bzr_subcommands=(${(f)"$(_call_program bzr bzr shell-complete)"})

if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
  _describe -t subcommand 'subcommand' _bzr_subcommands
# this part missing

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